Study Says Cannabis Doesn’t Cut Long-Term Opioid Use

Alright, check this out: there’s a new study saying that relying on cannabis to cut down on long-term opioid use might not be as effective as people think, especially with all the buzz about legalizing weed.

What the Study’s All About

A crew from the University of Sydney ran this research, keeping tabs on 615 folks dealing with heroin addiction for a whopping 20 years. They were trying to see if using cannabis had any impact on their opioid use.

What They Found

Dr. Jack Wilson, who led the study, spilled the beans—despite some claims that cannabis could help folks dealing with opioid issues by easing pain or withdrawal symptoms, the study didn’t find any proof that using cannabis helped with kicking the opioid habit over the long haul.

20 Years of Data

Starting in 2001, these researchers tracked these folks who were into heroin, checking in with them six times over two decades. About two-thirds of them were using cannabis when they first got recruited, which is pretty typical among opioid users.

No Clear Connection

Wilson pointed out that even though many were using cannabis, there wasn’t a clear link showing that it helped with their opioid use throughout those 20 years.

What This Means

Wilson stressed that doctors and policymakers shouldn’t rely on cannabis to tackle opioid problems, especially with more places legalizing it and claiming it’s a helpful treatment.

The Opioid Scene

Opioid use is no joke—it can lead to addiction, health issues, and even death from overdose. It’s causing a lot of trouble in places like Australia and North America, where it’s responsible for more problems than any other illegal drug.

A Complex Issue

Wilson explained that dealing with opioid addiction isn’t straightforward. It’s not just about one treatment fixing everything. It needs a mix of different approaches—like physical and mental health support, plus certain medicines.

Don’t Jump to Conclusions

Even though this study didn’t show any link between cannabis and opioid use, Wilson warned against jumping to conclusions about using cannabis to ease pain or treat opioid issues.

Expert Opinions

Some experts gave a nod to the study’s impressive follow-up rates, but they weren’t shocked by the findings. They say there’s no real proof that a less harmful drug like cannabis can replace opioids in treating addiction.

Old Misconceptions

Other research had suggested that using cannabis could help with opioid problems. But turns out, that wasn’t quite right. Some laws even let people use medical cannabis for opioid addiction based on these shaky studies.

What’s the Real Deal?

Experts want folks to know that cannabis might not be the answer to opioid problems, despite what some earlier studies claimed. So, the hunt for effective treatments for opioid addiction continues.